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Home > Events > Platinum Celebration of our Defaced Ensign
Home > Events > Platinum Celebration of our Defaced Ensign

Platinum Celebration of our Defaced Ensign

27th September 2022

The 27th of September is an important date in our Calendar as it was on this day in 1952 that our Defaced Red Ensign was first hoisted on the mast outside the Club. This privilege was granted by the Admiralty in recognition of the help given by our members in the evacuation of the Allied troops from St Malo in June 1940 as part of Operation Ariel.  As far as we know we are the only club in the world which has been granted this privilege as a Battle Honour.

As this will be the 70th anniversary we are having a special celebration. We are planning to have a re-enactment of the hoisting of the Ensign at 1800hrs followed by a meal in the Club along with the presentation of the Warrants to those who require a new Warrant this year or to those who have applied for a Warrant for the first time this year. The meal will be £25 a head and will include a complimentary drink on arrival.

Please book with the Office on 732229 as soon as possible as numbers will have to be restricted.


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