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Commodore's June Newsletter

1436379 orig
Published 09:57 on 3 Jun 2024

May rallies

Both Bank Holidays had a rally, the first one to Granville and the second to Carteret. Both were very well supported. In particular, a big thank you must go to Debs and Chris for going down early on both occasions to do the preparation work.

In Carteret we were formally greeted by the Mayor who kindly provided a marquee. The President of the Yacht Club, who was also present, provided the BBQs along with a complimentary drink.

Our Evacuation weekend events
June is always a very important month for the Club, as we commemorate St Helier Yacht Clubs participation in the historic evacuation of Allied troops in 1940. Race and rally boats dressed overall will come through the lock on Saturday 15th. They will gather in good time by 11.30 (CET), ready to lock into the Bassin Vaubin at 11.56 (CET).

Saturday lunchtime a pontoon party with drinks and nibbles will be held at 14.00 (CET), at the old La Trinquette car park, where there will be 2 pergolas provide by the marina for our use.

The races can be entered on this page of our website and the rally details to register are here

The Evacuation Reception and prizegiving takes place on Tuesday 18th June at 18:00, where Club Ensign Warrants will also be presented. Further details can be found here.

Boat Show weekend
A big thank you to Kay, Chip, Mike, Richard, Andrew, Ian and David who manned the stand over the weekend. It was a good opportunity to catch up with our members who attended the show, to sign up a number of new members and give membership application forms out. We had many visitors to the Boat Show asking about the training we offer.

Inter-Parish Yacht Race
The Inter-Parish Yacht Race is taking place for the fifth time on Saturday 29th June and will be going east about the Island. It is different from the other races run by the Club, in that participants are encouraged who do not normally sail, giving them a different experience.

Weve had a good sprinkle of Parish Officials joining the race in the past, from road inspectors, parish executive officers, Honorary Police and Connetables. Why not contact your Parish office and invite some officials and receive the rating advantage. It is a handicap event, with a boat receiving an advantage for each Parish Official they have onboard.

If you dont have a boat to enter and would like to join your Parish boat, please let the office know.

Boats can be entered on this page of our website .

RNLI 200th Anniversary event
This event is on Sunday 30th June, and the aim is to get 200 boats on the water to celebrate this anniversary. Further details coming soon.

Dates for your diary...

Wednesday 5th: Dayboat Race 3
Thursday 6th: Hettich IRC Evening Series Race 4
Sunday 9th: Summer Bay Race Series Race 2
Wednesday 12th: Alex Bleasby Race 5
Thursday 13th: Summer Wine Tasting
Friday 14th: Offshore Race 3: Silver Jubilee & CIYC Trophies to St Malo
Sunday 16th: Offshore Race 4: Evacuation and Howard Johnson Trophies
Tuesday 18th: Evacuation Reception
Thursday 20th: Dayboat Race 4
Saturday 22nd: Savills Inter-Island Race
Wednesday 26th: Alex Bleasby Race 6
Sunday 30th: RNLI 200 Event

Thursday 4th: Dayboat Race 5
Friday 5th: Hettich IRC Evening Series Race 5
Saturday 6th: Independence Day Barn Dance
7th - 12th: Tour des Ports
11th - 18th: Chez Bruno Bastille Week
Thursday 11th: Alex Bleasby Race 7
Saturday 13th: Coastal Race 2: Troy and Le Riche Trophies to Gorey
Thursday 25th: Alex Bleasby Race 8
27th - Aug 4th: Biscay Race & Rally
Saturday 27th: Dayboat Mini Regatta

Jeff Speller
St Helier Yacht Club

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