South Pier Parking Changes
Published 09:54 on 28 Jan 2025
Please see the email below from Ports of Jersey about the new parking changes on South Pier.
These changes will come into effect on the 10th of February 2025.
"Dear users,
Following our last communication about the changes to parking at South Pier, and following further feedback, I am pleased to inform you we have made some final improvements, which will be introduced on Monday 10 February.
The PayByPhone and permit long stay parking (blue zone) will now be Monday to Friday only. It will be free at the weekends and evenings. This will also apply to current PayByPhone and permit areas at Les Galots and La Folie.
The previous bin store area (orange) will become an unloading bay.
We will be removing three redundant electrical bollards which are located in parking bays in the long stay area, as they restrict the parking spaces that cause vehicles to protrude, making it tighter to navigate around the parking bays.
All line markings will be refreshed and any under-size parking bays increased to the standard requirement. The new disabled bays will be marked out in the next couple of weeks and the remaining line marking will shortly follow on in stages to minimise disruption.
We will notify you of each stage of the works in advance.
We will be putting up advanced notice signage at the entrance to the pier today, confirming when the parking restriction come into force.
Work is ongoing to reconfigure and better utilise the boat working area at the end of the pier.
As previously stated for customers wishing to apply for one of the permit products, we will be applying an introductory phase in the pricing scheme to enable users to adapt gradually to the permit requirement.
- 2025 75% discount
- 2026 50% discount
- 2027 25% discount
- 2028 normal price.
The 2025 annual cost for a boat owner parking permit for mooring holders in the historic Harbours is £199.61 incl GST (without discount). The permit is only to be used for marine purposes such as visiting your boat, not for commuting or attending your place of residence.
The 2025 annual cost of a Port Parking Permit is £792.55 incl GST (without discount). The permit is only to be used by persons whilst attending their business or employment at the Harbour.
Permit prices reflect estimated usage.
If you would like to apply for a permit, information can be found here, or you can contact the Marina Office, or email
Changes below:

For your reference, the consultation was published on our website and is still available to view: Reports and documents | Ports of Jersey
Many thanks,
Parking Team