Tour des Ports 2024 Report

Published 13:45 on 18 Oct 2024
1. The Tour des Ports 2024 (TDP24)
The Tour des Ports Regatta is the oldest and largest annual sailing event to take place in the Channel Islands and Normandy. This year the Regatta started in Jersey with boats and crews arriving in St Helier on the 4th, 5th and 6th of July for the race start on Sunday 7th July 2024. This was only the second time the Regatta had started outside of Normandy in its 40 year history.
2. TDP24 Organisers & Sponsors
The TDP24 was organised by the Yacht Club de Granville (GYC) with the sponsorship of Jean Morin, Presidente of the Counseil Departemental de la Manche. Luc Berthillier, of B2O, and Gilles Lezan, President of the GYC, provided the coordination and management of the Regatta. The St Helier Yacht Club and the Royal Channel Islands Yacht Club jointly coordinated the TDP24 start in Jersey.
Financial support and sponsorship for the start events in Jersey was provided by:
- BoatFayre
- Government of Jersey, Heritage & Culture
- Jersey Electricity
- Jersey Marinas
- Channel Islands Port Services
3. TDP24 Fleet Arrives 4th, 5th & 6th July
The fleet 85 boats and 550 crew moored up at Albert Pier on Friday and Saturday, the 5th and 6th July. The majority of the yachts were French registered with vessels from Guernsey, Jersey and the United Kingdom also participating. Many of the French crews were fishermen from Normandy. The racing yachts were joined by 20 boats and 35 race officials and officers from the race organisers. The participants and officials were joined by many families and friends.
4. Facilities for the TDP24 Events
The Organising Group decided it was essential to ensure that the Crew Dinner and other events could be held in all weather conditions. Arrangements were made for Vibert Marquees to erect a Tours des Ports 2024 Post Event Report 9th October 2024 tent, including tables and chairs, on Albert Pier with the Permission of the Ports of Jersey. The marquee also provided facilities for the caterers and served as a reception and registration area for arriving boats and crews. Marquee on Albert Pier
5. TDP24 Regatta Reception Saturday 6th July
The Organising Group arranged a reception for Jean Morin, President of the Conseil Departmental de la Manche and Kirsten Morel, Minister for Sustainable Economic Development and guests at the St Helier Yacht Club at noon on Saturday, 6th July. Some 45 guests attended. The reception was kindly sponsored by Channel Island Port Services. Kirsten Morel & Jean Morin Guests Jean Morin Jeremy Swetenham RCIYC & Jeff Speller SHYC Gilles Lezan Peter Funk Luc Berthillier
6. TDP24 Regatta Crew Dinner Saturday 6th July
The Crew Dinner was held in the marquee with crews, guests and officials arriving at 18:00. Luc Berthillier and Gilles Lezan welcomed everyone and introduced Jean Morin who spoke of the strong relationship between La Manche and Jersey. He said the TDP was a unique opportunity to expand that relationship, thanked the organisers and wished everyone good sailing. Mr Berthillier thanked the sponsors for their invaluable contributions. Jeremy Sweetenham (Commodore RCIYC), Jeff Speller (Commodore SHYC), Mark Vivian (Jersey Electricity) and Peter Funk (TDP24 Organising Group) were also thanked for their support. Didier Cozic and Frederic Bertin, Presidents of the Race Committee and the Race Jury respectively, provided an overview of the regatta procedures. Giles Lezan, Luc Berthillier & Jean Morin Didier Cozic & Frederic Bertin. Following the introductions the 500 plus crew, skippers, officials and guests were served dinner by Harpers Catering. BoatFayre served wine to each boat in the race. Wine Service Some of the sailors at dinner David Williams & His BoatFayre Crew Simon Harper & His Crew
In addition to the 500 plus crew, there were large number of guests including amongst others:
Pierre Chays & Wife Honorary Counsul of France in Jersey
Deborah Hutchings SHYC Rear Commodore
Chris Fritot SHYC Sailing Committee Chair
Theirry Motte Conseil Departmental de la Manche
Bill Sadler Harbourmaster Ports of Jersey
Damien Pillon & Wife President, Ports de la Manche
Christine Bonhomme Maison de la Normandie et de la Manche
David de Carteret SHYC & TDP24 Organising Group
Jeff Speller & Fiona Speller SHYC Commodore
Jeremy Swetenham & Guest RCIYC Commodore
Mark Vivian Jersey Electricity
Gilles Lezan President Granville Yacht Club
Luc Berthillier & Wife B2O & Granville Yacht Club
Didier Cozic, Frederic Bertin & others TDP24 Organisation & Race Committee
7. TDP 24 Race Start Sunday 7th July
The Fleet left Albert Pier for St Aubins Bay and the start line on Sunday morning. The sight of 80
boats, the Committee boat on the start line and a great many boats observing the start was a
wonderful spectacle. The schedule for the entire Regatta follows:
Race From/To Date
St Helier-Granville - Sunday, 7th July
Granville-Barneville-Carteret Monday, 8th July
Barneville-Carteret-St Peter Port Tuesday, 9th July
St Peter Port-Dielette Wednesday, 10 July
Dielette-Cherbourg Thursday, 11 July
Cherbourg-St Vaast La Hougue Friday, 12 July
8. TDP24 Media Exposure
The regatta is one of the major sailing and sporting events of the year in Normandy and the Channel Islands. Extensive press coverage ran in the months leading up to the start of the regatta in July. Each stage of the race and the daily results were closely reported in the French regional media. The GYC organisers printed banners announcing the stopover which were posted in the airport, harbours, all the Islands yacht clubs and in central locations in St Helier. A media release was distributed to all the local media resulting in exposure in Jersey on Channel TV, Channel 103, BBC television & radio, the Jersey Evening Post and Bailiwick Express amongst other media outlets.
Jersey Marinas and Ports of Jersey produced a video of the Regatta events which provides an excellent overview of the Regatta start in Jersey. See the following link to access the video:
9. TDP24 Income & Expenditure
The Organising Group agreed that it would be essential to erect a Marquee for the event given the three days the event would be held and the uncertainties of the weather. Vibert Marquees were engaged to provide the Marquee which was a fixed structure erected on Albert Pier. Vibert Marquees Tours des Ports 2024 Post Event Report 9th October 2024 also provided the tables, chairs and the catering tent. Harpers Catering were engaged to provide the meal and service. BoatFayre provided the wine, water and glasses and distribution to the crews and guests. Although the Marquee added to the expenditure, overall costs were reduced significantly thanks to the efficiencies and recommendations of Harpers Catering and Boatfayre. The following is a schedule of the income and expenditure for the event:
Sponsorship £
Jersey Electricity 5,000.00
GoJ Econ Development 4,000.00
Boat Fayre 2,500.00
Jersey Marinas 2,000.00
C I Port Services 500.00
Subtotal 14,000.00
Catering Crew Dinner 6,562.50
Marquee, Chairs & Tables 6,036.74
Portaloo Hire 258.77
Reception Catering 444.15
Win, Water & Glasses 911.00
PA System 50.00
Subtotal 14,263.16
Total (Deficit) -263.16
The Organising Group will discuss how best to cover the deficit with the sponsors and others.
10. TDP24 Plans for 2025
The President of the Conseil Departmental de la Manche and the Granville Yacht Club have announced plans for the 42nd Tour des Ports 2025 Regatta which will start in St Vaast la Hougue on 6th July and finish in Granville on 11 July. The Regatta stopover in Jersey is planned for Thursday July. See the TDP24 website for further details:
The SHYC and the RCIYC have been asked by the Conseil Departmental de la Manche and the Granville Yacht Club if the Clubs will be prepared to arrange the stopover in Jersey. The Clubs have agreed to organise the stopover subject to commitments from sponsors and other organisers to fund and assist the event. A new Organising Group meeting will be held shortly.
The St Helier Yacht Club and the Royal Channel Yacht would like to thank Jersey Electricity, BoatFayre, the Government of Jersey, Jersey Marinas and Channel Islands Port Services for their assistance and cooperation which was greatly appreciated by everyone involved in the event. The Organising Group for the Tour des Ports 2024 St Helier Yacht Club Royal Channel Islands Yacht Club Tours des Ports 2024 Post Event Report 9th October 2024
Gilles Lezan
1954 16 September 2024
It is with great sadness and regret that Gilles died shortly after the completion of this years Tour des Ports Regatta. A lifelong sailor and maritime expert, Gilles knowledge of the sea was unsurpassed.
Gilles was the longstanding President of the Granville Yacht Club, the largest and most active sailing club in La Manche. Gilles was also the President of the Tour des Ports Organising Committee. In partnership with Luc Berthillier Gilles coordinated the Regatta for over 25 years. Gilles was ever present throughout this years Tour des Ports overseeing the activities of the 30 plus officials, race officers and others who made the Regatta such a success again. Gilles will be greatly missed by all the sailing community and his very special friends in Jersey.
Thank you Gilles.